Electronic Data Interchange is widely used in SAP for transfer of data among systems and ABAP programming is used during the process. The EDI process is inherently asynchronous, meaning that the user does not have to wait for the process to complete.
For example, if you create a purchase order document, you do not have to wait for a response from your business partner. After you create a document, the system carries out the EDI process behind the scene.
EDI processes consume a lot of system cycles, which can hamper system performance for other users. Each time an outbound IDoc is created, the system extracts application data, creates an IDoc, extracts the IDoc data, and creates an outbound file.
In EDI Inbound process, an application document is created from an IDoc. If the inbound transaction uses call transaction, the process is very much like a user entering data online. A huge EDI transaction volume can slow down system performance considerably.
SAP EDI Outbound in Real Time Mode
The EDI process in SAP is implemented as a series of application programs. An asynchronous process can be operated in a near real time mode by executing the various programs in a coordinated fashion, so that as soon as one program completes, the next program starts instantaneously.
In near real time mode, as soon as the application document is created, the IDoc is generated and passed to the subsystem, and the subsystem is started. This sequence gives a real−time feel, which is useful for critical EDI transactions.
This option should not be used for high volume and non critical transactions because it will cause performance problems.
The configuration option enables you to control the output at a very granular level. You can have a partner enabled for all messages to go in real−time mode or for only specific messages to go in real−time mode. The outbound interface can be thought of as a link of the following programs.
Application Transaction: Creates the application document, for example, VA01Create Sales Order, ME21Create Purchase Order ·
RSNAST00 : Starts the process of generating IDocs from the application document ·
RSEOUT00. Transfers IDocs from the SAP database to the OS, and starts the subsystem ·
The following settings are necessary to achieve near−real−time behavior .
In Message control, the dispatch time of the output type should be set to 4 (immediate). On the output control screen, you can reach this setting by clicking the Further Data button.
In the partner profile for the outbound message, the output mode should be Transfer IDoc Immediately and Start Subsystem .

SAP Electronic Data Interchanges Update :
EDI or Idoc of SAP Outbound in Batch Mode
Batch mode is appropriate for non−critical and high−volume transactions. This mode is useful from a performance perspective because output is not generated immediately upon the creation of the application document of edi.
You can control the process at two stages, depending on your company's needs. The first point of control is at the Message control level. When an application document is created, you can set up the process to start creating the IDocs as a batch process by setting the dispatch time in the Message control output screen to 1.
In this case, a record is created in the NAST table with the application document number. Buffering IDocs at this stage provides the highest performance benefits because there is no load on the system from an EDI perspective. You can schedule the process to run when the system is not loaded, such as at night. The only drawback with this approach is that any outbound process errors will not be discovered until the process is executed.
At this stage, you use the RSNAST00 program to start the process of generating IDocs. Several instances of this program can be scheduled with different variants to achieve the desired results.

The previous post is regarding SAP ABAP Finance sample report.
Learn about complete Electronic Data Inter Change of SAP ABAP here.
Relevant topics are EDI outbound process overview , via message control of EDI , via Function module .
For example, if you create a purchase order document, you do not have to wait for a response from your business partner. After you create a document, the system carries out the EDI process behind the scene.
EDI processes consume a lot of system cycles, which can hamper system performance for other users. Each time an outbound IDoc is created, the system extracts application data, creates an IDoc, extracts the IDoc data, and creates an outbound file.
In EDI Inbound process, an application document is created from an IDoc. If the inbound transaction uses call transaction, the process is very much like a user entering data online. A huge EDI transaction volume can slow down system performance considerably.
SAP EDI Outbound in Real Time Mode
The EDI process in SAP is implemented as a series of application programs. An asynchronous process can be operated in a near real time mode by executing the various programs in a coordinated fashion, so that as soon as one program completes, the next program starts instantaneously.
In near real time mode, as soon as the application document is created, the IDoc is generated and passed to the subsystem, and the subsystem is started. This sequence gives a real−time feel, which is useful for critical EDI transactions.
This option should not be used for high volume and non critical transactions because it will cause performance problems.
The configuration option enables you to control the output at a very granular level. You can have a partner enabled for all messages to go in real−time mode or for only specific messages to go in real−time mode. The outbound interface can be thought of as a link of the following programs.
Application Transaction: Creates the application document, for example, VA01Create Sales Order, ME21Create Purchase Order ·
RSNAST00 : Starts the process of generating IDocs from the application document ·
RSEOUT00. Transfers IDocs from the SAP database to the OS, and starts the subsystem ·
The following settings are necessary to achieve near−real−time behavior .
In Message control, the dispatch time of the output type should be set to 4 (immediate). On the output control screen, you can reach this setting by clicking the Further Data button.
In the partner profile for the outbound message, the output mode should be Transfer IDoc Immediately and Start Subsystem .

SAP Electronic Data Interchanges Update :
EDI or Idoc of SAP Outbound in Batch Mode
Batch mode is appropriate for non−critical and high−volume transactions. This mode is useful from a performance perspective because output is not generated immediately upon the creation of the application document of edi.
You can control the process at two stages, depending on your company's needs. The first point of control is at the Message control level. When an application document is created, you can set up the process to start creating the IDocs as a batch process by setting the dispatch time in the Message control output screen to 1.
In this case, a record is created in the NAST table with the application document number. Buffering IDocs at this stage provides the highest performance benefits because there is no load on the system from an EDI perspective. You can schedule the process to run when the system is not loaded, such as at night. The only drawback with this approach is that any outbound process errors will not be discovered until the process is executed.
At this stage, you use the RSNAST00 program to start the process of generating IDocs. Several instances of this program can be scheduled with different variants to achieve the desired results.

The previous post is regarding SAP ABAP Finance sample report.
Learn about complete Electronic Data Inter Change of SAP ABAP here.
Relevant topics are EDI outbound process overview , via message control of EDI , via Function module .
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