Properties of SAP BW Queries

For your company to have an effective reporting system, you need a few extra functions:

You want to make one workbook from several queries
You want to remove queries you no longer need
You also want to use the query results for other calculations, which means you have to detach the query from the BW Server

Deactivating Automatic Refresh

You can specify how the query is refreshed on the toolbar:
Choose Settings on the toolbar to activate or deactivate the "automatic refresh" function. This function is activated by default each time you add a query.If you have deactivated the "automatic refresh" function or interrupted the connection to the Business Information Warehouse Server (BW Server), you can refresh the query manually. You also have to do this, for example, if you have copied the query or moved the results area. Choose the Refresh icon on the toolbar. If you have selected a query on the worksheet, only this query is refreshed. If you have not selected a query, you can refresh all of the queries in all of the workbooks that are currently open.When you refresh a query, the format and column width of the cells are automatically adjusted to match the updated query data. You can specify how this is done in the query properties.

Query Definition

Choosing Query Properties brings you to a dialog box, which offers you the following change options:
ŸYou can change the name of the query as well as make settings for the results position, display options, number display, and the key date. If you have specified input variables in the query definition, you can determine the sequence in which they appear in the dialog box, which you see when you start the report. To do this, put the input variables in the order you want by using the arrow icons next to the input field.If you want to evaluate the data of the Business Information Warehouse with third-party products, you must release the query for "OLE DB for OLAP". All of the characteristics and key figures are then copied to the query. Release the query by selecting the check box next to the relevant field. Query Properties tells you who created the query, when it was changed and by whom.

Properties of Queries: Display

For more options in modifying the query properties, click the right mouse-button on the results area of the worksheet and choose Properties. In the selection menu that appears, you can choose between different tabstrips.

The tabstrip Display includes functions for changing how data is presented in the worksheet.As a rule, the position and size of the cell area in the results area of the query changes when the query is refreshed. The "Adjust formatting after refreshing" function ensures that the formatting is adapted to the updated query data when the query is refreshed. This function is activated by default.You can stop the formatting from being adjusted, if, for example, you use a worksheet with your own formatting templates.

By activating the function "Suppress repeated key values", you make sure that identical keys do not appear when the query is displayed. This setting is deactivated by default so that all of the keys are displayed for each characteristic.You can use the "Display scaling factor for key figures" setting to display the scaling factors for key figures (e.g. "*1000") in the row or column header.You can also choose whther you want to display filter cells for structures in the workbook - these give you a further navigation option in the query result. This function is activated by default.

Properties of Queries: Interaction

By default, interactive functions such as navigating, refreshing, and so on, are supported in a workbook. If you do not want the user to be able to navigate or change the view of the data, deactivate the function "Allow interactive functions".
If variables that are ready for input are used in a query, you can enter the values for the variables when the query is inserted in the workbook or confirm the default values. If you want to save and reuse the variable values, you can make the setting here. This has the advantage that you do not have to enter the values each time you refresh the data. This function is deactivated by default. If you want your query to be updated when you open the workbook, activate the relevant function here.

Column Width

As a rule, the position and size of the cell area in the results area of the query changes when the query s refreshed. The tabstrip Column Width offers you the functions you need to set the column format  in the Excel worksheet. This means you can take into account how you want the changed data to be displayed.You can choose between the settings "Do not adjust column width", "Adjust to results area" or "Adjust to whole columns". The "Adjust to whole columns" option is activated by default.

The details given on the Information tabstrip help you to clearly identify the query and its workbook.The local query ID is the identification number of the query within the workbook. You need this  number, if, for example, you want to program a VBA routine for a user exit with this query. In this case, you would need to be able to clearly identify the query in the workbook.With the query ID for the server you can clearly identify the query on the server. For the workbook, refer to the workbook ID.

The details of the workbook's source system specifies on which system the workbook queries were created. You can refer to these details if you are having problems with executing the query, since a reason for it could be that the current system is not compatible with the query.

Moving, Copying, and Deleting Queries

You can use the "Delete query" function to delete one highlighted query from the workbook. The query definition itself is not deleted. This means you may insert this query in this or another workbook.

You can change the position of the query within the workbook. You can either copy the entire query or move the results area into the workbook. The query properties remain intact. After moving or copying, you must refresh the query in order to display the current data.You can arrange queries and their cell areas on a worksheet as required by moving, copying, or deleting them again. Even if you copy the entire query to a new worksheet, the position of the cells within the query remains the same. You can also copy or move the filter cells in a query. If you want to return the filter cells to their original position, simply delete all the filter cells and refresh the query. All cells return to their original position.

Inserting Queries

Queries are always inserted at the current cursor position in the workbook. You can also insert queries into a worksheet from various InfoCubes.If you have inserted more than one query in a workbook, there may be a clash between the result area and another query when you change the drilldown in the query. This applies to both the area next to the existing query and the area below it. The system detects this clash automatically and provides three solutions:

ŸYou can overwrite the result area of the other query.
ŸYou can insert cells below or beside the query.
ŸYou can insert entire rows or columns.

Detaching and Deleting Results

You can use the "All queries in workbook", "Delete results" function to delete all the results areas of all the queries contained in the workbook. You can reset the results areas by selecting the "Refresh" on the toolbar.This function allows you to store the workbooks centrally, without everyone who has access to the server being able to display the contents of the reports.The "All queries in workbook", "Detach" function deletes the connection between the cell areas of the queries and the data. If you detach the queries, the visible data area on the worksheet remains intact but it can no longer be navigated on or refreshed.IMPORTANT: You cannot undo the "Detach query" function.This function enables you to record the current data permanently. No new data can be added to the workbook once the queries have been detached.

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SAP BW Key Figures and Characteristics Continued

SAP BW Key Figures and Characteristics is the topic we are discussing and here is the continuation for that discussion.

Variables for Texts

Text variables are used if you have not determined texts for the rows and columns, preferring instead to either enter them when you start the query, or generate them from the master data. You can use any available processing type for text variables.You normally use text variables in combination with "variables for characteristic values". If you make use of a characteristic value variable in a row or column when defining a query, we recommend that you enter a text variable for the text. This text variable must relate to the characteristic for which you are using the characteristic value variable and must be processed by means of the replacement path.

Use in query definitions: Enter the text variable directly in the text fields, for example for a calculated key figure or a structure. You must enter the text variable with an "&" at the beginning and end, and without blank characters. Example: &0CMONTH&.

Variables for Formulas

You normally use variables for formulas when a formula component (a number) should not be set in advance, but should only be entered when the query is executed. You could, for example, use a formula variable for the rate of value-added tax, so that you do not process the actual current tax rate until you come to insert the query in the workbook You can use any processing type for formula variables.

Use in query definitions:

ŸSelect the key figures list in the InfoCube tree and choose New Calculated Key Figure from the context menu (right mouse-click). This takes you to the "Calculated Key Figure" screen.Ÿ Choose an existing formula variable from the operand list and drag it into the input field for the formula, or double -click on it to insert it. Confirm with OK. Ÿ When you start the evaluation you can now enter a number of your choice in the dialog box, or accept the default value.

Varibales for Hierarchy Nodes

If you use a hierarchy node variable, you can select by hierarchy node when you come to use the query. You can process hierarchy node variables using the processing types "Manual Entry/Suggsted Value", "Customer Exit", "SAP Exit" or "Authorization".
Use in query definitions:
Select the InfoCube characteristic (from the InfoCube tree) for which you want to apply a variable. Drag the characteristic into the list in the query definition. Select the characteristic and choose Restrict from the context menu (right mouse-click).In the selection menu that appears, enter the hierarchy you want for the characteristic. You can then view the relevant variables on the tab page Variables, where you can drag the variable you want to the selection box, or use the arrow keys to copy it over.A default menu appears when you start the report, where you can select the node you want.

Hierarchy Variables

Hierarchy variables allow you to determine presentation hierarchies for characteristics when the report is being created. You create hierarchy variables in the variable maintenance of the BW server (transaction RSZV).

Proceed as follows:

Drag the characteristic you want from the InfoCube tree to the relevant list in the query definition. From the context menu (right mouse click), choose "Properties".Choose the magnifying-glass icon from Presentation Hierarchy. Place a checkmark in the checkbox "Variables" under the field "Name". Then select the hierarchy that you want from the hierarchy variables that now appear in the pull-down menu. Confirm with OK.When you create a query, you get a dialog box in which you select a presentation hierarchy for the characteristic. The result of the report is then displayed in the form of this hierarchy.

Global Structures in Queries

Creating a Global Structure


ŸChoose New Structure from the context menu (right mouse-click) on the list lines or columns in  the query definition. Create a new structure. Select the key figures of the InfoCube that you want to use in the new structure, and drag them to the structure list. If necessary, restrict the key figures by means of characteristics. You may have to define a new calculated key figure.Ÿ Select the new structure.  Choose Save or Save as… from the context menu (right mouse-click) and enter a technical name and a description.The global structure is now in the structure list of the InfoCube tree and can be used to create new queries.Changes made later to global structures affect all queries in which they were used.

Global and Local Structures

A global structure that is valid for all InfoCube queries can be converted into a local structure, which can only be used for the current query. Changes made later do not affect the definition of the original global structure, nor the queries that you made with this global structure.


Drag the mouse over the global structure you selected in the query definition, which you want to convert into a local structure. Choose Delete Reference from the context menu (right mouse-click). This copies the global structure to the query definition where you can change it. However, you can only use it for this query.

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SAP Business  Information warehouse overview

SAP BW Key Figures and Characteristics

Calculated SAP BW Key Figures

You can define calculated key figures at both query level and InfoCube level. At the query level, the calculated key figure is only valid for the query in question. If the calculated key figure is created at Cube level, it can be used in all queries that are based on this InfoCube.

Examples of using operators:
Basic functions :** potential ("Incoming orders" ** 3) The third potential of incoming orders.
ŸPercentage functions : %A percentage ("Sales" %A "Incoming orders"): The percentage of Sales accounted for by incoming orders.%CT percentage share of the result (%CT "Incoming orders"): The percentage of incoming order values of each characteristic value accounted for by the result of the characteristic. 
Data function:SUMCT result (SUMCT "Incoming orders"): The total value of all incoming order values for a characteristic is listed for each characteristic value. 
Mathematical functions : MAX Maximum ( MAX ["Incoming orders", "Sales volume"]): Returns the maximum value from both key figures to a value in this formula.
Trigonometric functions : SIN Sine (SIN["Incoming orders"]): Calculates the sine value for each incoming order value.

Boolean Operators

With the help of the Boolean operators, you can make comparisons within formulas.You can use the following operators:

- is less than < - is less than or equal to <=
- is not equal to <> - is equal to =
- is greater than > - is greater than or equal to >=
- logical UND AND - logical NICHT NOT
- logical ODER OR - logical exclusive-ODER XOR

With Boolean operators, you can use "IF-THEN-ELSE" scenarios.

Properties of Key Figures

In the query definition, you can change the names of all the key figures used in the analysis. You can change the column header as you like and therefore reduce the column width, which depends on the length of the header.Choosing Highlighting makes key figures appear bold in the workbook.You can hide key figures that you only need for calculating formulas, and do not want to display in the report.You can specify a currency translation factor for each value key figure when you define the query.You can also specify a scaling factor ( in 1000, for example) or the number of decimal places. If you are using formulas in columns and lines within a query, there is a clash of formulas when they intersect. You can define which formula takes priority at this point.

Currency Translation

A currency translation in the Business Information Warehouse can take place at two points.When the data is updated to the InfoCube. You can specify a separate currency for each key figure.When the data is analyzed in the Business Explorer. 

You have the following options:For the individual query elements (key figure, characteristic, structure), you can set translation values in the query definition. All query values are displayed in the currencies that are saved on the database. All query values can be translated into one common target currency with an exchange rate type.You can make this setting when you define the query or create a currency variable beforehand. A default menu appears when you start the evaluation, where you can select the target currency you require.

Defining Restricted Key Figures

Restricted key figures are (basic) key figures of the InfoCube that are restricted (filtered) by one or more characteristic selections.By using restricted key figures, you can focus the query result on certain values. They are used to implement scenarios such as planned/actual comparisons for a key figure if the planned data is stored with a specific characteristic.

Procedure for creating restricted key figures:

ŸDrag a (basic) key figure to the query definition and choose Edit from the context menu. Select the list of key figures and choose New Selection from the context menu. This brings you to the New Selection input template. The top part of the screen contains the text field in which you can enter a description for the restricted key figure. In the section underneath, all the available objects of the InfoCube are displayed in the left part, and in the right is an empty field for the definition of the new selection. Drag the key figure you require to the definition field and restrict it by selecting one or more characteristic values. Choose OK. The new restricted key figure is now defined and available in the structure.

Properties of Characteristics

You can control the way in which the characteristics and results are displayed using the characteristic
properties (key/name, hiding the total, norming, cumulating).You have the option of selecting a presentation hierarchy for the characteristic.For each characteristic, you can assign and choose the type of display attributes.

Hierarchies in the Analysis

You can define a hierarchy in the characteristic properties for viewing in the workbook. If the Characteristic also supports version-specific hierarchies, you can also define a hierarchy version.Since hierarchy nodes are often created for specific times, you can define a date or an InfoObject for specifying the time. Activate the hierarchy display by checking the active box.Only one query characteristic can be drilled down in the hierarchy at any one time. The characteristic is structured in stages. The drilldown contains the hierarchy nodes of the selected hierarchy. By further expanding the hierarchy (or by clicking on the hierarchy symbol), you can display the lower levels. Characteristic values that are not classified in the hierarchy appear in the result area in the "Unassigned" row. If a characteristic with a hierarchy is sorted according to its key and name, the "Unassigned" node appears at the end of the structure.

You can use the "Expand hierarchy - to level" function to evaluate data for the individual hierarchy levels. You can also expand or compress the hierarchy by clicking the hierarchy icons. Expanding a hierarchy means displaying the levels that are below the level currently marked by the cursor. Conversely, you can reduce or compress a hierarchy by one or more levels.You can define the layout of the hierarchy (indent and hierarchy buttons) with the "Change formatting" function.

Creating User-defined Hierarchies

By creating your own hierarchies, you can implement any drilldown sequence and summation levels for your analyses.In the BEx Analyzer you can eine cumulate the totals over four levels, depending on the width of the hierarchy indentation. The setting "Narrow" allows you to display 13 hierarchy levels, "Normal" gives you seven, "Wide" five and "Very wide", four. If you exceed the maximum number of hierarchy levels, the next level is displayed under the highest.You can create hierarchy versions if this is supported by the InfoObject of a characteristic. Similarly, the possibility of defining time-dependent nodes in the hierarchies depends on the InfoObject settings.

Attributes in the Analysis

As long as the characteristic has attributes, you can display them in the workbook. Click the right mouse button on the relevant characteristic in the query definition and choose Properties. You can now copy the attribute you want, and specify how each attribute is to be displayed (key, name, or key and name).In the query definition, you can define a key date for the attributes under Query Properties, Key Date. You can select the key date from a calendar or with a variable you already created.You cannot use display attributes for navigation purposes.

Navigation Attributes

You can convert a display attribute to a navigation attribute by making a minor change in the InfoCube. The navigation attribute then has characteristic status and is displayed in the dimsension of the original characteristic. n Since navigation attributes are time dependent, you can summarize the information with respect to a key date. However, this can lead to slower performance times compared with the use of characteristics.

Creating Queries with Variables

You can use variables for a more flexible query definition.First, you must create the variables for characteristic values, texts, formulas, hierarchy nodes, or hierarchies in BW's variable maintenance. The variables are only processed and filled with values when the query is inserted into a workbook. Depending on the variable type and selected processing type, the variables can be entered, modified
or automatically processed before the query is executed.

Ways to Process Variable Types

The processing type "manual entry / default value" applies to all variable types. It is set up so that you can enter the value manually in a dialog window when inserting the query into the workbook. When you create the variables, you can specify whether you want the default value to be used when you start the query.The processing type "replacement path" is available for the variable types "texts" and "formulas". If a variable is processed by means of a replacement path, it is automatically replaced by the corresponding characteristic value. When creating the variables, maintain the replacement path data.Choose whether it should be replaced by the "from" or "to" value, and by the key or name of the characteristic value. You can also determine the offset start and offset length for the output.The "customer exit" processing type for variables enables you to determine default values for variables by means of a function module exit. You can process all variable types (characteristic value, node, hierarchy, formula and text variables) using the "customer exit" processing type.

SAP exit: Variables with this processing type can only be created in SAP systems. They are part of the Business Content supplied with the Business Information Warehouse.By integrating a variable with the processing type "Authorization", the reporting authorizations of the current user are checked when the query is executed. When the query is started, the variable is automatically filled with the values for which the user has authorization.

Variables for Characteristic Values

Variables for characteristics are parameters that are set in the query definition. The variables are only processed and filled with values when the query is inserted into a workbook. They act as benchmarks for characteristic values and can be processed by the processing types "manual entry / default value", "customer exit" and "SAP exit".

Variables for texts can be used in conjunction with variables for characteristic values. If you enter a variable as a characteristic value, you do not need to determine the text for the characteristic value straight away, but can let it be filled in a way that matches the selected characteristic, when the query is executed for the variable. Then define a text variable with automatic replacement.Use in query definitions: Select the InfoCube characteristic for which you want to apply a variable. Expand the list of characteristics and drag the variable for characteristic value into the list in the query definition.

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SAP BW Getting Started with BEx Analyzer

Concept of a Report

The Business Information Warehouse provides information for analyzing all of the factors that affect a company's business transactions. The data basis of the Business Information Warehouse is divided into self-contained business data areas (InfoCubes).An InfoCube consists of InfoObjects. These InfoObjects are subdivided into characteristics and key figures. Think of an InfoCube as an n-dimensional data cube with a key figure axis: each characteristic corresponds to one dimension of the data cube, the number of values determining the length along that dimension. The quantity of key figures in the InfoCube forms a separate dimension.By means of the reporting functionality of the Business Information Warehouse, the dataset of the InfoCube can be analyzed according to various characteristics and key figures.When you create a query, you must make sure that all the necessary characteristics and key figures exist in the InfoCube.

From the InfoCube to the Worksheet View

A query allows you to analyze all of the data in an InfoCube. When you define a query, you determine how the data will be evaluated and which characteristics and key figures should be examined more closely.If you picture the InfoCube as a multi-dimensional cube, you can imagine that, by selecting characteristics and key figures, a sub-cube (QueryCube) is cut out of the InfoCube. The more detailed the QueryCube is defined, the smaller the sub-cube. This sub-cube does not contain any data initially. When the analysis is carried out, the QueryCube always contains the data from the current and last drilldown.A query always refers to one InfoCube, while any number of queries can be defined for one InfoCube.

Creating a Query

Procedure for creating a new query:

ŸChoose the New icon in the toolbar.
ŸChoose the pushbutton Queries. Choose pushbutton New.
ŸThis brings you to the selection screen containing all of the InfoCubes for which you can define a new query. Select the InfoCube on whose data you want the query to be based, by selecting it with the mouse. You can see the technical name of the InfoCube by choosing Technical Name (wrench icon).Ÿ To create the query, choose New.

Choosing Characteristics and Key Figures

The objects available for the InfoCube you have selected are shown as a tree structure in the left- hand part of the query definition screen. These objects include the key figures and characteristics of the dimensions.The right-hand part contains empty directories for filter selections, rows, columns, and the free characteristics of the query. The bottom right-hand part of the screen shows a preview of the query result area. This area is empty at first.By clicking the plus or minus symbol for the directories, you can expand or compress the directory structure. By expanding the key figure node in the InfoCube tree, for example, you can display a list of all the key figures for the InfoCube. You can drag the characteristics and key figures for the InfoCube into the directories for the query definition (filter, rows, columns, free characteristics). When you have finished defining your query, choose Save Query. Choose Enter (checkmark icon) to start working with the query.

Changing a Query

Choose Change Query to modify the query.There are two options for changing the query:

ŸChoose the mode Change Query (local view) to easily move or restrict the objects that are already in the query definition. The worksheet is refreshed each time you execute the query, but the changes are not saved in the query definition.

Choose Change Query (global definition) to return to the definition screen, where you can use the same functions you could use when you first defined the query. Before executing the changed query, save the changes in the query definition. This applies the changes to the original query definition.

There are two ways of saving the changed query:
ŸYou can save the changed query under its previous name. To do this, choose Save Query in the toolbar.You can save the changed query under a new name. To do this, choose Save Query as... in the toolbar. Enter a new technical name and a new description. You can change this description at any time.

Filtering Data in the Query Definition

When you define a query, you can drag individual characteristics to the columns or rows.Free characteristics are not displayed when you insert the query in the workbook. They can, however, be integrated by means of navigation steps.Characteristics in the filter do not appear in the drilldown nor as free characteristics in the analysis. These characteristics are only used to filter the data from the cube. You can restrict (filter) the values of a characteristic in the rows, columns, free characteristics, and in the filter.

Selection Menu for Restricting Characteristics

There are two ways of restricting characteristics:
To get to the selection menu, select a characte ristic from the InfoCube (in the tree structure in the left part of the screen) and double -click on the values icon. It gives you a selection of single values or values from a value area, which you can restrict by hierarchies and their nodes.Use a right mouse-click on a characteristic in the query definition and choose Restrict, to get to the same selection menu with the relevant selection options.Within the selection menu, you can select values from the list by; Ÿ dragging the selected characteristics from the left-hand window to the right-hand window.Ÿ tranferring the selected characteristics with the arrow icons. You can selected more than one characteristic. Finally, confirm your selection with OK.

Filtering Data in the Worksheet

When you execute the query, you can also filter data in the worksheet. You can do this by using the characteristic values in the filter area and the results area.Use a right mouse-click on the characteristic you want, to apply the filter by characteristic value in the filter cell area.

Find Filter Value opens the familiar selection menu, which helps you filter the characteristic. It gives you a selection of single values or values from a value area, which you can restrict by hierarchies and their nodes. Choose OK to restrict your query result to the selected values. Choose Remove Filter Value to remove the filter value of the corresponding characteristic.

You also have the option of only displaying one column in your query result.. Double -click on the header of the column to do this. This hides all the other columns. The column title appears in the filter area in the Key Figure row. Choose Remove Filter Value to undo the restriction.

Navigating through Analysis

A query shows views of the data in the InfoCube on which the query is based. You can create the various views of the query data (so-called navigational states) by using the navigation functions from the worksheet. These views are then presented in the result area of the query. Changing between views is referred to as navigating. You can analyze the InfoCube data by navigating in the Business Explorer. The initial data view after the query has been inserted in the workbook is specified when the query is defined.
You can drilldown either across or across on a characteristic in the filter cells. To do this, choose the function Drilldown Down or Across. Undo these functions by choosing Remove Drilldown. You can delete the current drilldown of the characteristic by choosing Remove Drilldown or by double-clicking on the characteristic.You can integrate characteristics in the drilldown with Drilldown Across and Drilldown Down. These characteristics are always inserted at the end of the list. The Drilldown Across navigation function always displays all the characteristic values for each key figure. To display all of the key figures for a characteristic value, choose Change Query.

To swap two characteristics, choose Exchange… with…. In this way, you can swap characteristics between rows and columns in the result area or a characteristic in the drilldown with a free characteristic.Choose Keep as filter value to record a selected characteristic value as a filter value. This characteristic is then removed from the drilldown and set as the filter for the corresponding characteristic value.Choose Filter and Drilldown according to to set a characteristic at a certain value (filter) and, at the same time, drilldown by a different characteristic on the same axis (row or column).

Adding Text Elements

You can display various text elements associated with a query (e.g. creator, last changed by, InfoCube, key date, and so on) in a freely definable cell area. These text elements are also referred to as the "header information" of the query.To integrate query text elements in the worksheet, choose Layout - Display Text Elements. All of the available text elements are then displayed between the filter rows and the result area. You can then delete, copy, or move these text elements using the standard EXCEL functions.In addition, you can display the characteristics you restricted earlier in the query definition, or show variables as text elements.

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SAP BW Business Content Queries in the BEx Browser

Standard Reports in Business Content

If you require a specific report, you should first check if you find it or a similar report in Business Content.In Business Content you can find all objects that lead to fast data extraction from the R/3 OLTP systems, and that allow you an extensive analysis of this data.

Business Content Development

Business Content contains numerous objects that simplify the implementation of BW and accelerate the construction of an effective reporting system.These objects are grouped together to enable you to use them effectively: For all areas of your company and for many industry sectors, there are roles that provide users with the relevant reports and applications that they need to perform their tasks.In the future, cross-component applications called Analytical Applications will be available to provide direct access to all the information related to a process. They allow you not only to analyze these process, but also trigger actions and reactions in the systems that deliver data.

Areas particularly suitable for the implementation of Analytical Applications are, for example, Supply Chain Management (for example, supplier and catalog analysis, manufacturing analysis), Customer Relationship Management (for example, e-business analysis, market exploration) or analyses within the company, such as performance analysis, payment analysis, or human capital analysis.

Activating Business Content Queries

You can find the query definitions delivered by SAP in the BW menu under Business Content -> Object Types -> Queries -> Sele ct Objects. Clicking on Select Object brings you immediately to a selection menu with all the queries in Business Content. They are listed under the corresponding InfoAreas and InfoCubes. An integrated search function makes it easier to find queries from certain areas.
When you have found the query definition you need, select it with the mouse and choose Copy. You can also copy several queries at the same time by pressing the control key when you select the definitons.In addition to query definitions, Business Content also contains global structures for key figures, restricted key figures, calculated key figures, and variables for your evaluations.

Executing Queries in the BEx Analyzer

You can find the query definition you selected under Query in the BEx Analyzer, assigned to the corresponding InfoArea and InfoCube.A search function helps you to find the query quickly. You can either enter the description or the technical name of the query.When you find the query, select it with the mouse and confirm with OK. If the InfoCube contains data, the query result is shown on an Excel worksheet.

Query Result: Worksheet in the BEx Analyzer

When you execute the query, the result is presented in the form of an Excel table. You now have several options for navigating in the worksheet or changing its appearance.

BEx Browser: Overview

Use the BEx Browser to access all types of documents that have been assigned to you in the role maintenance, or that you saved in your favorites.The administration of the document types displayed in the BEx Browser is based on the role maintenance (activity group maintenance) in the SAP Easy Access Menu. This is where you create new roles, assign them users, and maintain authorizations.You can select and organize documents in the BEx Browser. You can also create folders and specify how you want them presented on the screen regarding their position and any graphics used. You can maintain your favorites and add new folders and objects.Alternatively, you can maintain your favorites in the SAP Easy Access Menu in BW. The objects are displayed in a tree.

Managing Queries in the BEx Browser

If you want to save the query in a new favorites folder, proceed as follows: 

Open the 'Favorites' folder in the tree structure of the BEx Browser. Place the cursor on the right side of the screen and create a new folder (right mouse-click - New -> Folder. Give it an appropriate name and specify how you want it presented by choosing Select Color and Symbol.

Open the BEx Analyzer and execute the selected query. Save the workbook by choosing Save -> Save as new workbook. Enter a name for the query and select the folder you created in your favorites. Confirm with OK. When you call the BEx Browser you see the name of the query in your new folder, as long as your favorites are open. Double -click on the name to start the query.

Types of Document in the BEx Browser

As well as querie s, you can maintain other types of document in the BEx Browser, as long as they are assigned to your role or are in your favorites.These include:
ŸBW workbooks
ŸDocuments stored in the Business Document Service (BDS)
ŸLinks (references to the file system, shortcuts)
ŸLinks to Internet pages (URLs)
ŸTransaction calls for connecting R/3 Systems.
You can organize all of these objects into folders and give them colors and symbols.

BEx the Browser on the Web

Business Explorer Browser on the Web allows you to display the contents of the BEx Browser (roles, tasks, favorites) in a Web browser.With the BEx Browser on the Web, you can call up Web queries that were generated with BW Web Reporting.What is more, you can call up any intranet or Internet page you want. Objects within the browser can be reached with a search function. It is not possible to drag objects in the BEx Browser Web function. Neither can you mantain your favorites.

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SAP Business  Information warehouse overview

InfoObjects in SAP BW

InfoObjects in SAP BW are the key figures and characteristics in the Business Information Warehouse.Domain and data element references are created for each object. Depending on the object type, check and text table references as well as reference field information, attributes, and hierarchy references are added. The end result is a Metadata repository which can cover all of the business processes in operation.The Metadata can be used as a basis for defining structures that transfer data from the OLTP systems  to the Business Information Warehouse.InfoObjects are used in InfoCubes and in the three structures that are relevant for data requests (extract structure, transfer structure, and communication structure).

Functions of InfoObjects:

InfoObjects : are a part of an InfoSource. In this case, they act as fields in a structure but also contain additional Metainformation.

InfoObjects :make up InfoCubes. The characteristics, units, and time characteristics are essentially the key fields or sides of the cube. The key figures are the data fields or the facts and values of the cube.

Data Staging

An InfoSource is a set of logically associated information. InfoSources contain all the information on a business transaction or a type of business transaction (for example, cost center accounting). InfoSources can contain transaction data (this data is stored in InfoCubes) and master data (attributes, texts, and hierarchies - this data is stored in separate tables).The BW transfer structure and communication structure are generated from a DataSource. The transfer structure is the InfoSource transfer structure between a source system and its SAP BW System. The transfer structure transports the DataSource data from a source system to an SAP BW System and passes it on to the communication structure with the transfer rules.

The communication structure is independent of the source system and is filled from the transfer structure by the transfer rules. The communication structure contains all the fields of an InfoSource. Each InfoCube can have an update rule that determines how the communication structure data is stored in the InfoCube.

The central data containers, which form the basis for reports and analyses in SAP BW, are called InfoCubes. InfoCubes contain two types of data - key figures and characteristics. Each individual InfoCube should contain a self-contained dataset, since queries always refer to one InfoCube.An InfoCube consists of several InfoObjects and is strutured in a star schema. This includes a fact table, which contains the InfoCube key figures, as well as several surrounding dimension tables,where the InfoCube characteristics are stored. 

An InfoCube is assigned to an InfoArea. InfoCubes are supplied with data from one or more InfoSources. A report in the Business Explorer always refers to exactly one InfoCube. Characteristics  that logically belong together are brought together in a dimension (district and area, for example, belong to the regional dimension).

BW Star Schema: InfoCube

An InfoCube is a set of relational tables that are arranged in a star schema with a large fact table for recording transaction data at the center and several surrounding dimension tables. The fact table and dimension tables are linked by abstract identification numbers (IDs) that are stored in the key section of the respective database table.The fact table and dimension tables are relational database tables. The characteristics of a dimension identify master data by means of their attributes and text descriptions. Each InfoCube has one fact table and up to 16 dimension tables.Each fact table can contain a maximum of 233 key figures. A dimension can contain up to 248 freely available characteristics.


The objects most central to reports and analyses in BW, are called InfoCubes. In reporting, an InfoCube is a self-contained dataset (for example, a business area). You can analyze this data with a query.An InfoCube can be

·  a BasicCube that presents a set of relational tables in a star schema,
·  a RemoteCube whose transaction data is not managed in the Business Information Warehouse,
or ·  a MultiCube that presents a view of the data from several BasicCubes or RemoteCubes.

Business Explorer

With the Business Explorer Analyzer you can evaluate data in the SAP Business Information Warehouse.In the Business Explorer Analyzer, you define queries that are based on a selection of InfoObjects or predefined InfoCube global structures. By navigating through the queries, you can generate various views of the data, which enable you to analyze and present the InfoCube data in different ways. You can save the result of the navigation in a workbook, which you can call up when you next initialize the Analyzer.

You can manage and execute workbooks, which you stored on the server, directly from the Business Explorer Browser.BEx Map is an additional reporting tool, which you can use to display your query data graphically according to geographical criteria. You can do this from the Analyzer.

InfoCubes and Queries

You analyze the Business Information Warehouse dataset by defining queries on the InfoCube data. You can picture an InfoCube as an n+1-dimensional cube from which certain parts are cut out when characteristics and key figures are selected in a query definition.Thanks to the multidimensional nature of the query data, you can create various views of an InfoCube dataset. The OLAP processor structures queries from the InfoCube data and provides methods for navigating through the data in several dimensions.

The Business Explorer requests the data from the InfoCube and presents the current view of the stored data. Only the query data that is actually required is transferred. If you want a different view of the data when navigating, you can get it from the InfoCube with the OLAP processor. The data from the current and previous drilldowns always remains on the application server.

Business Explorer

The reporting functionality in the SAP Business Information Warehouse provides a wide range of options for analyzing and visualizing the data stored in InfoCubes. The following units take a closer look at the these reporting options.

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