We are going to continue discuss data extraction from SAP data base and we are going to use LIS for this.n Transfer rules specify which fields in the transfer structure are to be transferred to which fields in the communication structure. You can create detailed conversion rules to change or add to data.You can only choose one of the three types of transfer rules for each Info Object in the communication structure:
The fields are copied from the transfer structure and not modified.A field in the communication structure can be supplied with a fixed value for this source system. A local transfer routine is used to supply the content of the communication structure with data when uploaded from this source system. The routine defined only applies to the selected Info Object. The transfer rules do not take effect until they have been activated.
Maintain Info Cubes and Update Rules
Before data can be uploaded from the OLTP System to BW and evaluated in an Info Cube, the InfoCube must be created with the relevant update rules.You maintain Info Cubes and update rules in the Administrator Workbench, Modeling > Info Cubes.Update rules are always defined for a combination of an Info Cube and Info Source. For this reason,an Info Source can update several Info Cubes. An Info Cube, however, can be linked to several Info Sources via update rules.
There are various ways of updating Info Cube key figures into the update rules. Possible: Field to field assignment, formula and fixed value. You can also specify which date field in the InfoSource is to supply the time characteristics of the Info Cube with data. Similarly, a key figure can only be updated under certain conditions. In the same way, a currency translation can also be triggered when a key figure is updated to the Info Cube.
Extracting Application Data
When application data is extracted, the mater data must be transferred first. It is useful if the Business Information Warehouse knows attributes in addition to the vendor number, for example, vendor name, address or region.Hierarchy information such as product hierarchy for the material, and so on, must be accessible when you transfer data into BW.
Generally speaking, the volume of transaction data is considerably higher. A full update here is mostly only justified for the first time data is transferred or if the statistics data has to be rebuilt following a system failure.Delta update mechanisms that restrict the volume of data to within realistic limits, therefore, are required to implement a performance-oriented, periodical data transfer strategy.Therefore, when sales figures are updated every week in the Business Information Warehouse, only the sales document information that has been added or changed in the last week should be extracted.
LIS Delta Update
Before you start a delta update request in BW, you have to make sure that the delta update process in the OLTP System is supported.To do this, you have to activate the 'Delta updating in the LIS' setting in the report 'RMCSBIWC'. The 'Activate/deactivate' radio button activates or deactivates the update function to the delta tables S5nnBIW1 and S5nnBIW2. The active table for the delta update is defined in the table 'TMCBIW'.
'Generate updating' regenerates the update program (RMCX....) and ensures that a delta update is possible in the delta tables (S5nnBIW1/S5nnBIW2). (For this purpose, the original LIS update program ‘RMCX....’ was enhanced within the FORM routines ‘form S5nnbiw1_update_....' and ‘form S5nnbiw2_update_....').
the update programs for an information structure can only be regenerated if the LIS updating function is inactive!The update is regenerated in the customer name range only.Delta updates are client specific!
Activating the Update
The InfoStructures can then only be updated when you have activated the info structures. You can do this in the Customizing screen of BW in the OLTP System (transaction SBIW) under Generated DataSources > Logistics > Logistics Information System > Activate update.
You must activate the associated info structures that you want to fill with data for each application in LIS (for example, Sales and Distribution, Purchasing).You enter the period split (for example, monthly, weekly) and specify the update mode (for example, synchronous or asynchronous).
Some info structures that are shipped by SAP especially for BW have to be activated in Customizing under Generated InfoSources > Logistics > Transaction Data > Managing Transfer Information Structures > Activate/Deactivate Update Rules.
Creating an Info Package
Data requests sent to the source system are managed with the Scheduler. These requests are formulated for each Info Source and source system and are divided into master and transaction data. An Info Source in a source system can have several different extraction jobs with different selection criteria. These are referred to as Info Packages.
Info Packages or groups of Info Packages can be distributed to background processes using the R/3 job planning facility. This means that you can fully automate the data transfer process and decide when and at what intervals data is to be extracted. Or, for example, you can use a factory calendar to specify that data is not to be extracted on public holidays, and so on.
The term 'transaction' in the Business Information Warehouse covers data retrieval in the OLTP and the successful updating of this data to the relevant Info Cubes. You can monitor the transfer and processing of the data closely using the Monitor function in the Administrator Workbench.You can compile lists containing information on Info Package processing for each user, source system, day, etc.
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