R/3 RFC/OLE Troubleshooting

Problems connecting via RFC can usually be solved by reinstalling the full SAPGUI and/or checking your network connection with R/3.If you have problems to connect to R/3 via the RFC DLLs then you should check your network installation. It would be out of the reach of this publication to detail the causes and solutions when an RFC connection does not work.In most cases a full install of the SAPGUI on the computer which runs the calling program will secure a reliable connection, provided that you can login to R/3 problem-free with this very same SAPGUI installation.

Another trivial but often cause are simple network problems. So impossible it may appear, you should always go by the book and first check the network connection by pinging the R/3 system with the PING utility and checking the proper access authorities.However, if you successfully passed the SAPlogon method, then the problem is mostly a misspelling of object or method names or an incompatibility of the called function.

If you are quite sure that you spelled everything right and correct, and still get an error executing the SAP.FUNCTIONS.CALL method then you should investigate the function module in R/3.Generate the function group to see if there is an syntax error.

Make sure that the function is tagged as RFC allowed.


What is SAP Full form and its definition part one

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