Update Model Overview
To speed up access to data in SAP,CO-PA can also maintain summarized copies of segment tables and segment levels called "summarization levels". Each summarization level contains all of the value fields and a subset of the characteristics. To ensure that a correct aggregate is formed, some detailed characteristics are excluded in each summarization level. If a characteristic X (e.g. the customer number) is contained in a summarization level, all of the characteristics derived from X (e.g. the customer group) should also be contained in the same summarization level. Summarization levels are updated from time to time in a mass update run and not each time a line item is posted. The update procedure is controlled by time stamp information that is stored in each line item and in the summarization level catalog. You can use the time stamp to determine at any time whether a certain line item has already been entered in a specific summarization level.
In BW, you define an Info Package for the initial uploading process and further Info Packages for a delta update from a CO-PA Info Source. When an Info Package is executed, the SAP BW Staging Engine calls the CO-PA transaction data interface. When you have generated an Info Source, you must then perform the initial loading process. Following this you can execute de lta updates. Note that the CO-PA extraction program for the SAP BW uses the same replication method as the update program for CO-PA summarization levels for updating summarization levels. On the BW side, only data that is "at least 30 minutes old" is received. Section 9 of note 21773 contains further details on this "safety delta", as it is known.
Data Staging Overview
To provide Data Sources for BW, all CO-PA Data Sources (and the operating concern itself) must be generated.A CO-PA Data Source can be defined at the operating concern and client level.The Data Source itself comprises the following information:
Name of the operating concern
Data source for full updates (summarization level, segment level, line item)
Subset of the characteristics for defining the degree of detail for replication purposes
Subset of the value fields
Update status (Info Source defined, full update running, delta update running, update completed,invalid)
Time stamp, which can be used to determine which data has already been replicated to BW.
Data source for full updates (summarization level, segment level, line item)
Subset of the characteristics for defining the degree of detail for replication purposes
Subset of the value fields
Update status (Info Source defined, full update running, delta update running, update completed,invalid)
Time stamp, which can be used to determine which data has already been replicated to BW.
Overview BW-IMG in the R/3 System
CO-PA in the BW IMG of the R/3 System (transaction SBIW ->Customer-defined Data Sources ->
Profitability and Market Sector Analysis):
Profitability and Market Sector Analysis):
Procedure for setting up the replication model
ŸThis written chapter delivers information needed at the beginning of the installation scenario.
Assigning Key Figures
In this step you assign elements of an accounting schema to some of the predefined key figures.
you can record these fields to Data Sources.
ŸThis written chapter delivers information needed at the beginning of the installation scenario.
Assigning Key Figures
In this step you assign elements of an accounting schema to some of the predefined key figures.
you can record these fields to Data Sources.
Creating Data Sources
Create a Data Source to extract transaction data from accruing or accounting CO_PA.
Tools - Displaying detailed information on the Data Source
Displaying details on the Data Source, such as header information, information on the delta process
and the field list.
ŸTools - Simulating the initialization of the delta process
Advanced tool to enable testing of existing CO-PA (with already high volumes of data).
ŸTools - Activating debugging support
This transaction is exclusively used by the SAP support team.
Creating Data Sources
Since an Info Source is always defined at the source system, operating concern and client leve l, a standard name is always generated such as 1_CO_PA_<%SY>_<%CL>_<%ERK>. You can change this name if necessary. The prefix 1_CO_PA, however, is mandatory. SAP recommends that you only extend the standard name.
Example: in an R/3 System with the ID P31 and client 100, the standard name of the Data Source for the IDES operating concern is: 1_CO_PA_P31_100_IDES.Modify the name of the Data Source, if necessary, to distinguish it from other Data Sources. You can create a new Data Source with this name using the relevant button on the initial screen.
Some fields of the operating concern are not replicated 1:1 in BW.
ŸThe field PALEDGER (internal/external values 01/B0, 02/10, 03/B2, 04/12) is divided into currency type (field CURTYPE in the extract structure, InfoObject 0CURTYPE, values B0, 10) and reporting view (VALUTYP, 0VALUATION, values 0, 2).
The plan/actual indicator PLAID (values 0, 1) is converted into the currency type for the reporting system (VALTP, 0VTYPE, value 010, 020).
ŸThe week ALTPERIO (internal/external values YYYYWWW/WWW.YYYY) is converted in the calendar week (CALWEEK, 0CALWEEK, internal/external values YYYYWW/WW.YYYY). Ÿ The fiscal variant PERIV is added to the fiscal year FISY R to describe the period PERIO. Ÿ With accounting DataSources, the account plan ACCPL is added to cost accounting COACC to describe the cost type CSTTYP.
The name of the DataSource is not only maintained in the logon language.
The field name for partitionin g can be released.
Data Source Characteristics
The Characteristics of the object table are the characteristics that are maintained in the transaction KEQ3 (characteristics of the results objects) and form the results objects.By default, all the characteristics are selected, since it is based on the scenario "CO-PA Reporting in SAP BW", that is, "KE30 via BEx".
Exceptional cases with characteristics:
ŸCustomer hierarchy levels have KNA1 as their master data.There is a special procedure for compound characteristics. You must create InfoObjects, master data and text extractors.The company code (COMCO) is not a compulsory field but you must select it if the system contains an item with PALEDGER¹01, or if the DataSource is accounting-based.Ÿ You must also specify a controlling area for accounting-based Data Sources. Ÿ The PSP element is shown as it appears externally (24 characters) in SAP BW, since there are no 8-character PSP elements in SAP BW.
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