For extracting data from SAP data Source in business warehouse we have option like Single Line item Characteristics.The units are selected automatically if you select their quantity field.
Characteristics from the single line items :Ÿ In this area, all characteristics are displayed that were not selected for the operating concern in TA KEQ3, such as fields, which are only saved in single line items. The system only shows these fields of the single line items that make use of the unique data in the database tables. Some fields are either redundant (for example, CLIENT), or only specific for COPA internal use (for example, PAOBJNR, AWSYS) or do not contain any relevant data. Please note that some of the fields shown are not relevant for customer installation (for example, STO_BELNR, RBELN).
Remember that all updates affect your data from the line items if you choose a field from this area. Delta updates always affect your data from the line items. It is of no consequence here, whether you select a single line item or not. If you select the document number DOCNO, a non-aggregated replica usually appears in the Data Warehouse. This is generally seen as an incorrect way to use the Data Warehouse and mostly causes performance problems.
Data Source: Selection Fields
The displayed field name is the name of the extract structure and can deviate from the CO-PA field names in some cases. If the check box in the column Selection is active, that is, shown in white, you can select it. However, some fields cannot be selected: Especially fields that are to be worked on (currency, PALEDGER, PLIKZ, PERIV, KTOPL,..), units, currency, value fields and calculated key figures. Ÿ You should only select fields that divide your data if (a) there is a large volume of data for the first data transfer, or (b) there are business reasons and you need to select these in the future.
The selection in BW can only be a fixed value or an interval.Never specify very large PERIO intervals (PERIO=001.1999..999.2999). The system will crash because the memory is overloaded. Use FYEAR intervals instead (FYEAR=1999..2999).You can ignore the column Hide field since you have already selected the fields you want to replicate.
After making your selections, choose Generate. This ends the activities in the R/3 System.Choose the detail view in the IMG to display the Data Sources. n The next steps are made in the BW System. First load a newly defined Data Source into BW and create an Info Cube based on the DataSource.
Data Source Definition: Accounting CO-PA
Defining an accounting Data Source is not much different to defining accrued Data Sources.Ÿ KOKRS, BUKRS, KSTAR are compulsory.There are no characteristics available from the line items since accrued DataSources do not contain characteristics.There is only one amount (in three currencies) and a quantity (together with the quantity unit). Ÿ There are no value fields or calculated key figures available. Ÿ KOKRS and PERIO must be selected as selection fields. Ÿ The special procedure for certain fields has already been described.There are certain restrictions for the data upload, which are described in detail in the section on further update topics.
BW: Replicating Data Sources
In this step, the definition of the Data Source that you just created is loaded into a SAP BW System. You are recommended to start the replication from the most detailed node to obtain an optimum response time. The replication of the entire SAP R/3 System takes a few minutes, but is started when you.create a Data Source for the first time.
BW: Attaching Info Sources
When a Data Source is assigned to an Info Source, the system proposes the field assignment, and the
transfer and communication structures. In addition, Info Objects and Data Sources are created on request.
transfer and communication structures. In addition, Info Objects and Data Sources are created on request.
For CO-PA fields (WW..., VV...) with names that consist of 5 characters, Info Objects are created with the naming convention OG_Cxxxxx (characteristics), 0G_Axxxxx (amounts) 0G_Qxxxxx (quantities) and 0G_Uxxxxx (quantity units). xxxxx stands for the name of the relevant CO-PA field. These InfoObjects are automatically assigned to the fields in the DataSource. Example:
VV007 / VV007_ME « 0G_QVV007 / 0G_UVV007.
ŸFields from the template operating concern (S_CP, S_GO, S_AL) and 0MB1 (Banking) and the retrieved key figures, use relevant InfoObjects in Business Content, which are automatically assigned to them. Please note that you must activate Business Content before assigning the Data Sources. Example: KMKDGR « 0CUST_GROUP.
Fields that are clearly presented in other Data Source/Info Source mappings, inherit this same mapping. Example: BUKRS « 0COMP_CODE. Ÿ To define or create missing Info Objects, you can use the standard procedure used in SAP BW. Hierarchies are not supported as yet, but a complete hierarchy extraction with PI-2000.2 (2.1C extractors) is being programmed.Choose Propose transfer rules to define unique rules and structures if the system has not yet defined them.
BW: Setting up the Delta Upload
CO-PA Data Sources support the delta method for a BW target system (see below for more details on transferring data in more than one BW System).to apply the delta method you need two Info Packages:
You can use the first Info Package to implement the initialization request. It is carried out at the beginning and then again after every assignment change in the source system. The other Info Package (from the same selection) is for the delta transfer and is usually scheduled on a daily basis. You can create it as long as the first initialization request is successfully complete.
ŸPlease note that is not possible to repeat a delta request to CO-PA.You can introduce the Info Package as an ABAP report with start variants, and a request as a scheduled execution of this report with the variant.
You no longer need RKEBW200 before a new initialization. As of PI-A99, the CO-PA replica status After every new initialization request is automatically reset.After the system retrieves the data from the line item or the stigmatization levels, it aggregates the data, calculates the key figures and deletes the records with zero values. This is why the number of records that have been read and the number of records that are transferred into BW (both are displayed in TA KEB2) are considerably different.
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