EDI ALE IDOC tools for displaying information part two

In the previous post we discussed about IDOC tools for displyaing information required for SAP user and this post is in continuation with that.

The data records portion of the IDoc displays the data records sequentially. We can view detailed information for a record by selecting the record on the tree display. The field contents then appear in the Content of Selected Segment window.

For a more comprehensive display of the segment, click the page icon to the left of the segment name in the tree display. This view's major advantage is that it gives access to value help for any fields via function key F4. This enables you, for instance, to display a list of possible values for a qualifier field.

If a data element is blank in the IDoc, it does not show up on the screen.

The status records portion of the IDoc displays the status records sequentially. An arrow icon in front of a status record indicates that a message is available in the status record. You can double−click the message to view its long text. Double−clicking the record displays additional details of the status record, such as the date and time .

If a status record contains application error information, you can also see a segment number and a field that is in error. This information is displayed only if the application that processes the IDoc has logged this information.

IDoc List:

The Transaction code for idoc list is WE05 and the menu path is From the Area menu of EDI, choose IDoc, IDoc List.

The IDoc List program is used ALE/EDI interface tool for viewing the status of an ALE/EDI process. This program generates a list of IDocs that match your selection criteria. The selection parameters of this program allow you to restrict the number of IDocs that are selected.


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SAP ALE IDOC'S displaying information

The IDoc Display tool is one of the most commonly used tools for viewing the status of an ALE/EDI process. This tool generates a list of IDocs that match your selection criteria. As mentioned earlier, after an IDoc is created in the system, all the status information at various milestones is recorded in the IDoc's status records.

This tool's selection parameters allows us to restrict the number of IDocs that are selected.

The output is a list of IDocs sorted by date and time.We can double−click any line to display the specific IDoc. If the selection results in exactly one IDoc, the system displays the IDoc directly,it without going through the intermediate step of listing the IDoc.

The IDoc Display screen lists the IDoc components, including the control record, data ecords, and status records.

The Control Record screen displays commonly used information about a control record. We can obtain additional details such as technical details, EDI details, and address informationby selecting the appropriate tab.

The previous post deals with SAP INBOX work items and processing log.

SAP Inbox Work Items and Process Log

we have been discussing about SAP inbox in the previous posts and here we are going to deal with Executing Additional Operations on a Work Item.

Forwarding: You can forward a work item to another person to work on it, as long as that person is one of the possible agents.
Reserving: By reserving a work item, you can take ownership of the work item task without executing it. This step makes the work item disappear from other Inboxes.

Replacing: If you start working on a work item that was sent to multiple agents, it disappears from other Inboxes. If, however, you decide that the work item is not for you, you can replace it in the pool. It will then be available to you, as well as the other original recipients.

Setting an item to done: Any work item that does not have a terminating event can be completed by setting it to done. This step removes the work item from your Inbox.

Resubmitting: If a work item does not require your immediate attention, you can make it disappear temporarily. It will reappear in your Inbox upon expiration of the specified time. For example, if you receive a work item and decide that you will work on it two days later, you can use the Resubmit option to make the work item disappear from your Inbox for two days.
Displaying the Processing Log for the Output Type

The processing log is maintained in the Message control component to provide details of an output type's processing. This log is available only for applications that use Message control to send an output. It is helpful for end users who create application documents and want to know the status of the output.

For example, an accounts receivable clerk who created a billing document for a vendor might want to find out whether a message was successfully processed.

Steps to view and interpret the output log:

1.Go to the output control screen of the application document. You can usually reach this screen by choosing the menu options Header, Messages or Header, Output. The output list in Figure shows the various output types for this document. The list is sorted by time, so if you have multiple output types of the same kind, the latest output type is at the top.

2.Look at the Status column (column 1) for your output type:

Yellow. The processing has not started yet. The timing of the output was not set for immediate processing; it's waiting for the next run of the RSNAST00 program. If you want to start the processing immediately, you click the Further Data button, set the timing in the Send Time field to 4, and save your document. That starts the processing.

Green: The output was successfully processed. You can find additional details, such as the IDoc number generated for the output, by selecting your output type and then choosing Goto, Processing Log from the menu .

Red: Errors occurred in processing the output type. You can find additional details about the errors by selecting the output type in error and then choosing Goto, Processing Log from the menu. The log will display the error message. To view the long text for the message, click the Message Long Text icon .

he previous post of the blog deals with SAP INBOX and monitoring errors .
Also know about SAP INBOX work item processing here.

SAP INBOX Work Item Processing

SAP Inbox work list is the previous post we had discussed and here we are going to learn about how to process a work item in SAP Inbox.

Processing a Work Item from SAP Inbox:

On the worklist window, you can double−click the work item, or you can click the Execute button on the work item detail screen. When you click the Execute button, you are automatically established as the owner of this work item, and it disappears from the Inbox of other selected agents.

Executing a work item starts the task behind it. You do not have to know the transaction or the underlying data. Executing a task automatically takes you to a screen with all the information filled in. From this screen you execute the task steps. This screen is different for every task, but the concept behind executing any work item is the same.

The work item in the below represents an application error in an incoming invoice. From this screen, which displays the IDoc's last status record, you can analyze the error. After you fix the error, you restart the failed process by clicking the Process button.

If a work item is sent to multiple users, each user can see an entry in his or her Inbox. As soon as
one user reserves or executes the work item, its status is changed to reserved, and it disappears
from the other Inboxes.

If the user who first looks at the work item decides not to work on it, he or she can replace the work item in the pool by executing the Replace function from the Inbox. This step returns the work item to the original Inboxes.

Marking a SAP INBOX Work Item as Complete:

Work items are automatically removed from the Inbox when the task they represent is completed. They can be classified into two categories.
  1. Work items requiring a terminating event ·
  2. Work items not requiring a terminating event ·
Terminating events are raised from within applications. The workflow management system then automatically removes the work item from your Inbox. For example, work items for application errors associated with an IDoc are completed by the terminating event ErrorProcessCompleted.

After you fix the error and restart theprocess and the document posts successfully, the work item automatically disappears. The advantage of this method is that the task can be executed outside the workflow system and the work item disappears from the Inbox. However, such work items cannot be deleted from the Inbox unless a terminating event is raised.

To find out whether a work item requires a terminating event, display the work item details by selecting the work item and clicking on the Display icon. On the resulting screen, select Goto, Technical Work Item Display.

This screen has a check box, labeled "Processing End by User Confirmation," to indicate whether the work item requires a terminating event. This box will be empty if the work item requires a terminating event.

Work items of the second type are completed when a user's explicit input indicates that the task is complete. SAP uses this approach for tasks for which it cannot determine the completion. For example, if the task is to write a letter, the system cannot know when you are done.

In the SAP ALE/EDI process, tasks that are for information only for example, technical errors in the IDoc interfaceuse this approach. The system displays the error. Upon exiting, the system asks whether you want to complete the task. If you click the Complete Processing of Step button, the work item is considered complete and disappears from the Inbox.

The system cannot validate what you have done to complete the task logically outside workflow. If you click Cancel, the work item stays in your Inbox, and you can reprocess the work item later.

he previous post of the blog deals with SAP INBOX Work list.
and you can go through entire EDI Course here.