SAP Business Warehouse Complex Re porting been started and further discussed in the previous post here finally we are going to further discuss this aspect and conclude here in this post.
Creating InfoSets
Give the InfoSet a name, and specify what kind of InfoSet you want to create. You get data for the InfoSet in the following ways (flag the option you want to use) (1). Reading the data directly from the table. Using a join to combine data from the selected basis table with data from another table (scheduled for a later date). Specifying a logical database to use as a data source. You also have the option of using a program to get data. Finally, define the field groups for your InfoSet (2).
Defining InfoSets
In the following view, you see the fields for your data source in the left-hand window. The data source fields that you have chosen for your InfoSet are displayed in the upper section of the righthand window. If you double-click on a field name (1) a dialog box appears, in which you enter the name you want the field to have later in the query definition and the InfoSet Query result (2). Using the drag-and-drop function, you can change the sequence, in which the fields appear, to suit your requirements. You can change the default field groups in any way you want to, simply group the fields logically.
Using the Extras function, you have the option of defining calculated fields, for example, and of creating extra program coding. A text field is available for the fields marked with a "T". When you have completed building the structure of your InfoSet, save it, and activate it (3).
Setting up Roles for the InfoSet Query
The InfoSet you created has to be assigned to one or more roles before you can execute it. Leave the Administrator Workbench, and return to the SAP Easy Access Menu. Open the SAP Menu by selecting the corresponding icon (1). Go into the role maintenance by choosing Business Explorer - InfoSet Query - Set up Roles for InfoSet Query (double mouse click) (2).
Role Administration for InfoSet Queries
Once you are in the role maintenance for InfoSet queries, you get to the screen displaying the available roles. Choose the Assign user group icon in the relevant row to select the role that you want
to assign the InfoSet to. In the dialog box that appears, either create a new user group, or choose one of the existing user groups.
to assign the InfoSet to. In the dialog box that appears, either create a new user group, or choose one of the existing user groups.
Assignment to a user group means that the system makes an entry automatically in the corresponding role, allowing the definition of InfoSet queries, and calling the query builder. You only have to assign each role to InfoSets once - various InfoSets can then be assigned to this role. After the assignment, an icon appears in the Assign InfoSets column (2). When you choose this icon, you get a list of all the InfoSets that have been created so far.
Assigning InfoSets to Roles
Select the InfoSet you want to use, and choose the Execute icon (1). In the Standard InfoSet column, a white dot appears in the row containing the InfoSet you have selected. Flag the dot with a mouse click (2). Choose the Save icon again (3) - this assigns the InfoSet to the role, and means that the users
assigned to this role can now use the InfoSet when they are defining InfoSet Queries. Important: You can assign several InfoSets to a role, but only the standard InfoSet appears in the user menu, where it acts as a default setting. If the user wants to access other InfoSets assigned to him or her, he or she has to call the general InfoSet maintenance from the SAP Menu.
assigned to this role can now use the InfoSet when they are defining InfoSet Queries. Important: You can assign several InfoSets to a role, but only the standard InfoSet appears in the user menu, where it acts as a default setting. If the user wants to access other InfoSets assigned to him or her, he or she has to call the general InfoSet maintenance from the SAP Menu.
Each role has to be assigned for working with InfoSets once only. If you want to assign a newly created InfoSet to a role that has already been assigned for working with InfoSets, simply choose the Role assignment icon in the InfoSet maintenance - you get a list of all the relevant roles, and can assign your InfoSet to the role you want from here.
Definition: InfoSet Query
To define a query based on the InfoSet that is assigned to a role, leave the role maintenance and return to the SAP Easy Access Menu. Choose the User menu icon (1). To call the definition, drag the cursor over the InfoSet Query entry in the menu, and click with the right mouse-button. Chose Execute: InfoSet Query (2). Alternatively, double-click on the corresponding point in the menu. If you have not assigned the InfoSet to your own role, you can use the Other Menu pushbutton to call the user menu for a role to which the InfoSet has been assigned. Check that the InfoSet assignment has been successful (you are not able to execute at this point).
You define the InfoSet Query by setting flags in the boxes placed after the individual field names available in the InfoSet. In the Output column, select the fields that you want to appear in the query result. You find them again in the lower window, once you have completed your selection (1). If, at the beginning of a report, you want to see a dialog box with entry options as selection fields, use the flags in the Selection column (2). This allows you to make restrictions. You can also simply drag the field names into the selection or output areas.
The corresponding values from the data source are displayed in the lower window during the definition of the output fields. If you have defined all the fields for your InfoSet Query, execute it using either the Refresh function (3) - the data is displayed directly in the output area - or display the data in a window of its own by choosing the Output (4) button (Ad-hoc Reporting). If you want to be able to execute the InfoSet Query at a later date, save your definition, and assign it to your role (a dialog box appears once you have saved the InfoSet Query).
Executing the InfoSet Query
If you have saved the query in the user menu, you can call it from there at any time. Open the user menu (1). Drag the cursor over the name of the InfoSet Query, click with the right mouse button, and choose InfoSet Query: Execute: [Query name] (2). Users can start InfoSet Queries that they have saved in the user menu, either directly from the BEx Browser, or from the Workplace.
Displaying the Query Result
After the InfoSet Query has been executed, the result is displayed in the SAP GUI with the help of the SAP List Viewer. You can convert the list into an Excel or a Word file, and continue to work using the functions available in these programs. You can also display the query result in a Web browser (output using HTML GUI, MidiALV, or MiniALV). The query result can be sent by SAP Office mail.
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