The workflow management system maintains an extensive log of all the activities carried out in the workflow system. From the time a work item is created to when it's completed, it goes through several steps.
A log documents each step, along with any vital information. The two tools described next help you retrieve the logged information in a useful and presentable format. The tools are mainly used by the EDI administrator to view the state of work items and the duration of the process . This report can help you identify bottlenecks and the source of any major problems.
Work Item Analysis:
The work item analysis reports are comprehensive reports for determining the state of work items in the system. We can execute these reports for the following information.
1.The number of work items created in the system and their statuses
2· The time it took to resolve the problems
The selection parameters list allows you to restrict the number of entries returned to you. You can restrict them by time or process type.
For example, if you're interested only in invoice IDocs that have failed in the past month, you use the task number for invoice IDoc as the restricting criteria. You press the F4 key on the task field and enter the task abbreviation (Invoic_MM_er). The system will return the task number.
we are mainly interested in the frequency (SWI2_FREQ) and process duration (SWI2_DURA) reports. The other report is mostly used for SAP business workflow processes.
The frequency report output is a summary of work items by task. You can drill down from this display to a list of work items that have been generated in the system based on your selection criteria. You can drill down to display the status of these work items. Further, you can drill down to each work item to get the details, such as the person who has it and the IDoc number associated with the work item.
The output of the process duration report is a time analysis of the completed work items for the selected period. You can toggle between average values and threshold values on the output report. The threshold values report provides a breakdown by percentage of items completed in the given time period.
A value of zero means that the IDoc was processed in a negligible time period. This report gives you an idea of how long it took to fix an error, from the time the user saw the error until it was finally resolved .
The previous post deals with IDOC TOOLS.
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