SAP CRM middle ware Data flow has the move variant consists of metadata from which a stream definition is generated for a specific BDoc type.There is a generic perform module template for every middle ware service (besides the CRM Adapter).These templates are used to generate the function modules for services specific to a BDoc type. The generated operate modules should the next naming conventions:
There aren't any generic templates for the CRM Adapter, which means that a separate perform module is offered for every BDoc type. A circulation definition consists of a set of transitions. Relying on the last service and its return value, a successor service is specified. This allows the Stream Control to vary the processing of a BDoc in case of errors. The example reveals a half of the movement definition for Customer & Prospect (CAP) BDocs. For one of these BDoc the traditional order of providers which can be known as is the R/3 Adapter (R3A), the CRM Adapter, the CDB service, the Replication and Realignment service (RRR), the rejection service (REJ) and the Outbound Adapter (O01).
Nevertheless, if a customer is modified on a mobile client and the R/3 Adapter can not update the modified customer on the R/3 system, the R/3 Adapter studies an error (E) to the Move Control. The customer is now processed differently within the CRM middle ware: The modified customer just isn't transferred to the online parts (through the CRM Adapter) and the CDB is not updated. Instead, the Circulate Control calls the REJ service, which recovers the original buyer knowledge from the CDB and determines the original sender. The Outbound Adapter (O01) sends the modified buyer together with the original buyer back to the sender.
The last service within the move definition is the DONE service (message is processed), which cleans up the message store. The circulation definition for a selected BDoc sort may be displayed in the CRM middle ware via middle ware -> Message Flow -> Definition -> Show (SMO8FD).

The Central Error Dealing with Service (CES) is started by the Move Control after receiving inside
or external error circumstances, e.g. if a service returns the error code E. Each service makes use of the CES for error handling. The information about the subsequent service is saved within the Stream Definition. The central unit of all error data is the error segment, which is part of all BDoc messages and comprises, e.g., the:
Relying on the error phase info, the CES starts CES actions. 
Technology is performed with transaction SMO8FDG by means of middle ware-> Message Flow -> Definition -> Generate.
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- For industry-unbiased templates: /1CRMG0/
_ For industry-dependent templates: /1CRMG0/ _
Nevertheless, if a customer is modified on a mobile client and the R/3 Adapter can not update the

message type service return code last service

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